Bits & Pieces (Choreographic Donations)

How to wear a white, tight-fitting unitard when you are a female dancer over 50? This is one of the many issues addressed in Bits & Pieces with the help of 5 choreographers who know me well both as a dancer and person: Patricia Hoffbauer, David Thomson, Elisa Monte, Yvonne Rainer, and Vincent Dunoyer. Their choreographic donations intersect in an eclectic collage of sounds, dances, childhood wounds, anecdotes, and memories from Phnom Penh to New York with an open return.
Developed in part during a residency at Baryshnikov Art Centre with additional support from the Martha Duffy Resident Artist fund, Bits & Pieces (Choreographic Donations) premiered Nov 8th at Danspace Project, NY.
Direction and dramaturgy: Vincent Dunoyer
Choreography: Emmanuele Phuon, Patricia Hoffbauer, David Thomson, Elisa Monte, Yvonne Rainer, and Vincent Dunoyer.
Sound design: Zai Tang
Performed by Emmanuele Phuon and Zai Tang

“I wished, in that moment, for young artists everywhere to witness Phuon—her specificity of gesture and story-like pacing, her foxy sense of humor, her claiming of pleasure and freedom in movement despite the damaging messages she, as a vulnerable, developing artist, absorbed along the way. Her presence says victory to me.”

All photos by Paula Lobo